Hotels need technology more than ever to keep guests safe during the pandemic thumbnail picture
  30 Dec 2020

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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Hotels need technology more than ever to keep guests safe during the pandemic

Hotels are incorporating technology at every turn to keep guests safe and hopefully feeling comfortable enough to stay at their struggling facilities. Rapidly developing apps and new hotel management software are being created on a daily basis to adapt to consumers' changing needs in the face of COVID-19. Customer service doesn’t mean what it used to. Service with a smile has been covered with a facemask and taken a back seat to service at a safe distance.

Guests are now using apps on their phone to avoid actual interaction with hotel staff like they never have before. And it makes perfect sense in a time when everyone is trying to navigate life amid a pandemic. App technology is evolving faster than ever to provide customers with the ability to social distance and still use hotel accommodations. Guests can now process payment, verify their identities, and even get digital room keys without ever having to come into direct contact with a hotel staff member.

Digital room keys and voice-activated digital assistance are two new technologies that are fast tracking into the mainstream as the need proves extremely relevant and pressing amid coronavirus concerns. Anything to minimize consumer interaction with hotel staff is considered a priority. Voice activation is proving more and more important as hotels aim to limit touch points within rooms. Lighting, television, and water are being integrated for voice recognition across the country.

Cleaning technologies such as electrostatic sprayers are another new technology that is sure to be a mainstay for the foreseeable future in the hotel industry. They will most likely become permanent.

Hotel management solutions are adapting as well. They need to incorporate and regulate new technologies into their systems to remain operational, especially now that profit margins have shrunk dramatically due to limited occupancy. Voice-integration is already connecting with hotel software to replace touching phones to request room service and housekeeping.

Booking Ninjas is known for incorporating their Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps into their property management software (PMS) and it has proved vital to their success. AI bots can do everything from communicating with tenants to turning data into emails. AI has quickly become a fundamental component in PMS solutions and is a driving force in their success within the competitive hotel sector.

In 2016, Booking Ninjas arrived as an all-in-one solution built with an underlying Salesforce platform, which is cloud-hosted, mobile accessible, and equipped with Salesforce’s Einstein AI for real-time data, communication and insights. Their adaptability has never been more relevant and is another example of the current state of affairs in the hotel industry.

Booking Ninjas set out to give hotels a digital advantage. By continuing to update their software with the most advanced technology available, excellence in innovation is a top priority and a core company value. They offer a unique feature that allows you to integrate apps from ‘AppExchange’ and run them directly from the Booking Ninjas platform. So basically, with their platform, you’re constantly evolving with the most advanced technology in the industry.

Hotels are incorporating technologies like Booking Ninjas’ software and many similar options to adapt to consumers changing needs and priorities. “Technology is at the core of almost every element of the customer experience as we reopen,” Mr. Atif Rafiq, President of Commercial and Growth at MGM Resorts International said.

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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