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  14 Oct 2023

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Property Management Accounting: How to Track Rental Property Income and Expenses

Property management accounting is a crucial aspect of successfully managing rental properties. A rental property can be an office space, hotel, residential rental property, vacation rentals, etc. 

Whether you're a seasoned landlord or just starting in the real estate game, properly tracking income and expenses is essential. 

In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide to tracking rental property income and expenses.

By the end of this article, you'll have the knowledge and tools to maintain a clear financial picture of your rental property. 

Features and Types of Income and Expenses

There are various income sources and expenses that affect your property's finances. 

It's important to know each so you know how to categorize them for proper documentation and clarity. 

Income Tracking

In a rental property, there are various sources of income. It's essential to know how much revenue each source brings. 

1. Rent Payments

The rent payments from tenants are the primary source of income in your rental property. 

Depending on your agreement, the payments can be monthly, every six months, or yearly. 

It's essential to record each payment, specify the tenant responsible, and document the payment method (e.g., cash, check, electronic transfer). 

Tracking rent payments ensures a clear overview of your rental property's cash flow.

2. Security Deposits

This is less common than rent payments because you only collect it from new tenants. 

Security deposits are fees new tenants pay to cover future possible damages or unpaid rent. Most people call it "Caution fees".

Properly documenting security deposits is essential to comply with local regulations and ensure a smooth return of funds to tenants when they move out.

You should track and document these deposits from regular rent payments for transparency. 

3. Late Fees and Penalties

Late rent payments can attract fees, a secondary income source for your rental property. Whether it's a commercial or residential rental property, tenants who pay their rent after the deadline or break an important rule will be fined. 

You can keep detailed records of any late fees collected, including the date, tenant, and reason for the fee. However, they should be separate from the actual rent payment. 

4. Other Income Sources

Aside from rent and security deposits, you can have additional income sources related to your rental property. These could include income from amenities (e.g., parking fees, laundry facilities), pet fees, or other miscellaneous sources.

Tracking these additional income streams ensures that you maximize your property's profitability and maintain a comprehensive financial overview.

Expenses Tracking

Every business runs on expenses. Hence, as you track your income, you should also track your expenses. 

There are many costs you'll incur when running a business, especially a rental property business. From paying staff to maintenance and legal fees. 

Let's see the expenses to look out for proper financial documentation. 

1. Mortgage or Loan Payments

It's common for landlords to finance their rental property with mortgages and loans. Hence, mortgages and loan payments are the most common expenses. 

How much mortgage do you pay monthly or yearly? 

This expense is mainly fixed, meaning you pay the same amount periodically. 

2. Property Taxes

Local governments assess these taxes, which vary widely depending on your property's location and value. 

Property taxes are recurring expenses because they are an ongoing obligation for property owners and should be factored into your budget to avoid surprises.

3. Insurance Premiums

Property insurance is essential for protecting your investment. Premiums can vary based on factors like the property's location, size, and the type of coverage you choose. 

Tracking insurance expenses ensures you have adequate coverage and can claim deductions where applicable.

4. Utilities

These are expenses you incur on essential services like water, electricity, gas, and trash removal. 

The utilities cost can fluctuate seasonally and depend on tenant usage.

Hence, accurate tracking helps you budget effectively and can be useful for dividing costs between you and your tenants, especially in multi-unit properties.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

These expenses are an essential part of managing a rental property. When managing a rental property, you must ensure that the property is well-maintained. 

The costs incurred cover the upkeep and fixing of any wear and tear over time.

They cover regular maintenance like cleaning, lawn care, and HVAC system inspections to keep your property in good condition. 

Emergency repairs for sudden issues like electrical problems or burst pipes fall under this expense category. 

6. Property Management Fees

You may need to hire a property manager to help manage your property and ensure it's in good shape. 

The property manager is a bridge between you and your tenants, handling the property's day-to-day operations. They inspect the property, collect rent payments, and address any issues that may arise. 

However, their services are not free. Their fees typically include a percentage of the rental income. 

The property management fees are tax-deductible, so it's essential to keep detailed records of the fees you paid. 

7. Property Improvement Costs

These improvement costs go beyond routine maintenance. They include property renovations, upgrades, and landscaping. 

Property improvements aim to enhance the property's value or appeal. 

Correctly tracking this cost will be vital for tax purposes. These expenses can sometimes be depreciated over time, reducing your taxable income.

8. Advertising and Marketing

One of the key expenses for landlords is advertising and marketing. 

If you own a commercial rental property or a residential one, you need to attract tenants and show them why it is the best option for them. 

This means you will spend money to advertise. The advertising or marketing can be through listings, signage, flyers, and even hiring real estate agents. 

By tracking these expenses, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and adjust your budget accordingly.

9. Legal and Professional Fees

This expense category includes the attorney fees for lease agreement drafting and accounting services if you use a professional accountant. 

10. Miscellaneous Expenses

Sometimes, unexpected costs can arise in the management of your rental property. 

These miscellaneous expenses can range from repair costs for unforeseen maintenance issues to emergency property improvements.

Other miscellaneous expenses can be property-related supplies. These supplies include items necessary for operating and maintaining your rental property. 

For example, cleaning supplies, general repairs supplies, or even gardening supplies are part of miscellaneous expenses. 

Importance of Proper Financial Tracking

Knowing your property's financial health will help you understand how well your property is doing. 

You may think you are making a profit because your property is in high demand. But a detailed report of your finances may show you otherwise. 

Tracking your finances prepares you for the future. There are various reasons why you need to monitor your property’s financial health. Let's take a look at the most important ones.

Accurate Financial Statements

One of the fundamental reasons for diligently tracking rental property income and expenses is to maintain accurate financial statements. 

These statements are a comprehensive record of your property's financial performance. 

By precisely recording all income sources and expenses, you can create detailed profit and loss statements.

You will need these financial statements when seeking financing, evaluating your investment's health, or even when you're ready to sell the property. 

Accurate financial statements provide transparency and credibility to your property's financial history.

Assessing Property Profitability

Effective tracking allows you to assess your property's profitability with precision. 

You can calculate key performance indicators such as the property's cash flow, return on investment (ROI), and net operating income (NOI). 

This data empowers you to make informed decisions about your investment, whether it involves rent adjustments, maintenance upgrades, or evaluating the potential for additional properties. 

By knowing where your property stands financially, you can maximize its returns and minimize risks.

Planning for Future Expenses

Rental property ownership involves expenses, from routine maintenance to unexpected repairs. 

Hence, properly tracking these expenses helps you to plan for these expenses proactively. 

By maintaining a comprehensive record of your property's financial history, you can identify trends and patterns in your expenses. 

This insight helps you allocate funds for future repairs or renovations, ensuring your property remains well-maintained and attractive to tenants. 

It also minimizes the likelihood of unexpected financial setbacks.

Tax Compliance

Tax regulations for rental properties can be complex. So, you need to maintain accurate financial records for tax compliance. 

Tracking income and expenses meticulously allows you to claim legitimate deductions and credits, ultimately reducing your tax liability. It also provides a solid foundation for any potential audits. 

By adhering to tax regulations, you avoid penalties and ensure a smoother tax filing process.

Use Property Management Software with Accounting Features to Monitor Rental Property Income and Expenses

The best way to track your property's finances is to use property management accounting software. Or a property management software with accounting features. 

Managing rental property income and expenses can be a complex task, but it becomes significantly more manageable with the right tools.

Typically, you would hear suggestions like "Use accounting software." However, having been in the hospitality industry, I recommend using property management software with accounting features. 

A property management software, like Booking Ninjas, is an all-in-one property management solution tool that helps perform property management tasks. 

This software makes it easier to collect or make payments and document them properly. 

For example, the software can automate financial tasks and record them. They can automatically track rental income, record expenses, and generate financial reports, saving you time and reducing the risk of manual errors.

Benefits of Property Management Software

Aside from automation, property management software has other benefits to help you effectively track your expenses without hassle. 

As a landlord, property owner, or property Manager, you need technology to simplify all complex tasks to maintain accuracy and precision. 

1. Expense Tracking

Property management software allows you to categorize and track various expenses associated with your rental property, such as maintenance, repairs, property management fees, and more. 

This categorization helps you gain insights into where your money is being spent.

2. Rent Collection

Many software options come with rent collection features, making it easier for tenants to pay electronically and for landlords to track rent payments. 

With the software, you can reduce the hassle of collecting checks and chasing late payments.

3. Detailed Financial Record-Keeping

The accounting feature can help you keep a detailed record of each financial transaction you make. It records the date, time, and a brief transaction description. 

It also categorizes the transactions according to their dates. So you know the financial records of a given period. 

You can save and share the records any way you want. The software allows you to share or export any financial document to shareholders or anyone you wish to transfer. 

4. Financial Insights

Property management software provides a clear overview of your property's financial health. 

You can track income trends, compare expenses over time, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your rental property's profitability.

Additionally, you can use the financial data to generate reports for tax purposes, thus 

You can easily track all your financial transactions daily, weekly, and monthly. There is no need to enter them or calculate them manually manually. 

How to Use Property Management Accounting Software to Track Rental Property Finances

Using the software is not difficult. Booking Ninjas is the perfect example of property management software with incredible, unique features that are easy to use and understand. 

It would be best to use Booking Ninjas for all your property management accounting needs. 

Here is how to properly monitor your rental property finances:

1. Choose the Right Software

Select a property management software that offers built-in accounting features or can seamlessly integrate with popular accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero. Ensure it suits the size and complexity of your rental property portfolio.

In this case, Booking Ninjas is a more recommended option. 

2. Set Up Your Accounts

Begin by setting up your financial accounts within the software. 

This includes creating accounts for rental income, various expense categories, and any bank accounts or credit cards associated with your properties.

Note: If you have multiple rental properties, you need to set up accounts for each one of them. 

After creating the accounts, you can provide detailed information about your rental properties and tenants. 

This should include lease terms, rent amounts, security deposit details, and tenant contact information.

3. Automate Rent Collection

Booking Ninjas offers rent collection features. So you can set up automated rent collection processes. 

This automation setup can include sending rent invoices to tenants, allowing them to pay electronically, and automatically recording received payments in your accounting system.

4. Track Your Expense

Whenever you incur an expense related to a property, record it in the software. 

Categorize expenses accurately, attaching receipts or invoices as needed. This ensures that all costs are accounted for and categorized correctly.

When documenting your expenses, ensure you put in the appropriate date and time for clarity. 

5. Generate Financial Reports

Automating property management accounting has simplified accounting tasks. For example, property management accounting software often comes with a reporting feature. 

This feature lets you generate financial reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

These are the most important reports you need to determine your property's financial health.

Most software come with a predesigned template for each financial statement, making it easier to get a detailed report quickly. 

6. Set Reminders

Using the automation features in the software, set reminders for important dates, such as lease renewals, property inspections, or maintenance schedules.

These reminders will tell you when to collect or make payments so you can easily document them.

Setting reminders helps you stay organized and on top of critical tasks.

7. Update Your Software

Regularly update your property management accounting software so you can enjoy the latest features to make your accounting tasks easier. 

For example, new features can include security patches for optimum data security. Or a sharing feature that allows you to customize and share the data with as many people as possible. 

As you update your software, don't forget to backup your data. 

Booking Ninjas is a cloud-based software that stores and tightly secures your data. 

However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't back up your data. This helps preven data loss in case of technical issues or computer failures. 

8. Review and Analyze

Always review your financial reports and analyze the data to identify trends, areas of improvement, and opportunities for cost savings or increased income.

You can also check for any errors or misalignment. Doing so will help avoid severe consequences that will affect your rental property business

It's often best to review and analyze monthly. You can set reminders to review your total income and expenses for the month. 

This will help you plan and make informed decisions for the subsequent months. 


Effectively tracking rental property income and expenses is essential for successfully managing real estate investments. 

Hence, property management software with integrated accounting features has become a valuable tool, offering numerous benefits that simplify the financial aspects of property ownership.

By choosing the right property management accounting software to simplify your accounting tasks, you can gain greater control over your rental property's finances. 

Booking Ninjas not only streamlines financial tasks but also offers a holistic view of your rental property portfolio's performance. 

You can contact us or visit our website to learn more about our features and how they can benefit you.

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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