10 reasons to start using BookingNinjas for your business thumbnail picture
  24 Jan 2020

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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10 reasons to start using BookingNinjas for your business

You have a business and like a mother expects from a child, you expect your business to grow to a large scale, where you may not have to worry about money, or about the competition taking you out. In order to achieve such a goal, you need to take strategic steps to secure your success. Such steps might include hiring the best staff, training existing ones to be better, managing resources, marketing campaigns and others.

While the above steps are important, there is a factor that businesses should take into consideration. That factor is Digital technology. While it may seem like common sense, it is shocking how many businesses consider digital technology as the last resort in business stratagems, or just as a side attraction, aimed at getting an ‘online presence’. How wrong they are. In this age of rapid technology revolution, digital technology is as important, if not more than other factors of business growth.

Since you are reading this post, I’ll assume you know about Digital Technology to some extent, that you have even heard about Property Management Systems, and considering incorporating one into your business. So, I’ll just get right to why BookingNinjas is good for you.

As you may have known, BookingNinjas is a complete application featuring a rebranded version of a property management system (which will be sometimes referred here as PMS). If you haven’t used a PMS before, you’re better off starting out with BookingNinjas, as it has a simple, beginner friendly interface, with a lot of advanced tools and features that will be worth your investment. If, however, you already have an existing PMS, you are making a right decision by considering a transition. Below, I will list 10 reasons to start using BookingNinjas for your business.

1. It’s the new big thing

What does ‘new big thing’ have to do with business growth? I’ll tell you in a bit. This generation of guests and customers is not as used to be years back. And I’m talking about 2-3 years back. Due to increased speed of digital interactions, brought about by the Fourth Industrial revolution, the sense of fast and efficient service is already a trend. Large companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook and others now deliver quality services to customers worldwide by the click of a button. And at the rate at which technology is advancing, it’s not getting any slower. Back to the first question, on how ‘new’ affects businesses. Due to these changes in customer behavior, it is important to utilize a system well suited for the current customer behavioral patterns. Such a system is the BookingNinjas application.

2. It’s a flexible platform

The BookingNinjas platform can easily adapt to any form of business operations. This is a helpful feature if you run several businesses at once. You can use the platform as a hotel management system, a real estate property management system, or any form of business. It is more efficient, however, if it is used in businesses related to properties and hospitality.

3. It is cloud basedThis feature may seem light to newcomers, but as at now, the cloud is everything. It gives the freedom required to operate any application as everything from integration to deployment can be handled online. This feature eliminates the barrier of distance and portability, as it can be operated anywhere, using any device you choose. In fact, you can use a mobile phone to handle your business, miles away from its physical location. This is made possible by the fact that the BookingNinjas platform is hosted in the cloud, ensuring that all major activities can be done conveniently anywhere.

4. It is easy to implement

If what you are avoiding is the hassle of taking your entire business operations to the cloud, or making a change from your previous PMS, the Booking Ninjas application is your best match then. The application was made especially for non-technical people, as you will see from the implementation process.

5. It features Artificial Intelligence

That’s what the Fourth Industrial age is all about. Due to the partnership with Salesforce, the Booking Ninjas features artificial intelligence, brought about by Salesforce’s Einstein Analytics, which features cutting edge technologies like Einstein AI and Einstein Voice. This helps businesses do their homework by using statistics to give important information that might be useful for the business. It can also delegate tasks intelligently, helping you manage your resources than ever before. The incorporation of this technology is an exceptional feature not seen in any other PMS. This is a big reason to use the BookingNinjas application.

6. Ability to integrate other apps

One exciting feature of Booking Ninjas is that it allows its users to easily integrate other apps from the AppExchange store. This is another outcome of the partnership with Salesforce, where the AppExchange platform is hosted. This reduces the chances of you running around to find external apps that could perform a particular action. All you have to do is install it from the AppExchange store, and watch it integrate with the Booking Ninjas application, like one big app.

7. It helps improve customer relations

For your business to grow, you will have to improve the relationship between you and your customers. That’s where Booking Ninjas comes in. Through the Booking Ninjas application, you can easily connect with your customers via phone call or SMS. Also, the BookingNinjas – Twilio partnership has helped foster customer engagement in a more remarkable way. Users of the Booking Ninjas application can now use Twilio APIs to engage customers in a faster and more professional way.

8. Automatic maintenance

One of the benefits of the BookingNinjas application is the feature of constant upgrade and maintenance carried out by the development team. This feature has been greatly simplified by the hosting of the application in the cloud. So, you don’t have to worry about using an outdated version of the application; it is constantly upgraded automatically.

9. Constant availability of support

If you have read one of the previous post where I mentioned factors you should look out for when considering a PMS, I highlighted the area of support. Providing support to the user is as important as every other tool in the application, and that’s why the Booking Ninjas team made customer support a priority. There’s no need to be stranded on a particular tool as all you need to do is contact the eager support team and get your concerns fixed.

10. It’s highly secure

Your entire business operations and data being on the cloud may raise concerns for security issues. There’s no need for that. The Booking Ninjas state-of-the-art technology also provides a very high level of security to ensure your data is in safe hands. The secure nature of the application is a very advanced one, and you can be guaranteed of optimum security, as long as you do not reveal your details to any external party; that goes without saying.

These reasons listed above are more than enough to convince you to consider adopting the Booking Ninjas to handle your business operations in this present time of customer behavior. As you would expect, these features above represents what is needed to have a competitive edge in your business, and may not be seen in any other system available.

Let me go through the reasons to start using BookingNinjas for your business, as it features functionalities you can see anywhere else.

  1. It’s the new big thing
  2. It’s a flexible platform
  3. It is cloud based
  4. It is easy to implement
  5. It features Artificial Intelligence
  6. Ability to integrate other apps
  7. It helps improve customer relations
  8. Automatic maintenance
  9. Constant availability of support
  10. It’s highly secure

These features are tools that can help you achieve your business goals and by adopting them, you get to watch your business grow better than ever. That’s all for now. Remember to contact us for any inquires, and if you have any comments on this, put it in the comment box. And like any other good information, don’t forget to share this post. See ya!

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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